Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, October 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Babe

Happy Birthday To Lucas!
I am sorry that we could not spend yet another year together, I think we are going on 4 years that we have been unable to spend it together, but I will be thinking about you all day. You get to celebrate your birthday twice, because in Japan your birthday was yesterday and in the U.S. it is today! So I hope you feel twice as special! Crazy to think that you are 26 since we met when you were only 19...sigh, how time flies. I hope to spend MANY more years with you. I love you babe! Hope you have a great day and maybe get the chance to do something special (like relaxing a little). =)


Jenna said...

4 years w/o celebrating his birthday together. Ooft. Happy Birthday to Lucas! And good point, Megs - he gets to celebrate twice! Thinking of you...

Joe said...

Happy Birthday, Lucas! I have been thinking about you all day today,
I love you~ MOM

HI Meggan :)