Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Where are my toes?

Sydnee has officially found her toes! :) It is the cutest thing to see her get her legs up and play with them. But it is getting hard to keep socks on this child and she finds the need to pull them off! :) I am glad the weather is nice and socks really are a need right now...maybe my child is trying to tell me that, lol.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rollin Rollin Rollin

Sydney is on the move...rollin all the time now. I really have to second guess where I put her now!

She is also teething with isn't much fun at all right now! She was pretty much up all last night and I'm exhausted. I'm trying to be patient and understanding through the screaming...its hard doing this alone, but this too shall pass right? :)
Besides that she is great and starting to eat food! Banana is what we started off

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

On The Move! So It Begins!

Sydnee rolled over today, back to front! I was laying on the floor with her and was in shock of what I saw. So....I had to roll her back over and have her do it again...well she did it three more times! :) And so it begins...I will no longer be able to contain her...she is on the move! :) I know one day I will wish she will be at the young age where all she wants to do is lay in my arms, but I am enjoying this and what is to come! To top it off, she is starting the process of teething...yes you heard me right. She is such a joy! lol, super crabby, not long enough naps and so on and on. These are the times I wish Daddy was here for a lil break here and there! But he will be home before we know it, we are almost half way done!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

First Easter And Shots

Wow did we have the best first Easter! (would have been better if daddy was home!) We had 3 destinations to go to. First stop was at great gramma and grampa Vaughns for brunch. It was a small brunch with only a couple of us, but it was good to relax, catch up, and eat (the theme of the day!). Sydnee got an Easter basket full of goodies! Then it was off to Aunt Jan's house where it was packed with family for late lunch. It was great to see everyone and Sydnee warmed up to everyone really fast (giving me a little break from holding her all day). Then, our final destination was at my parents house where we had a house full for not only Easter, but Karlee's birthday happened to fall on that day as well. Hard to believe she in already 5 years old! Seems like yesterday I was holding her in my arms! And one day I will feel that way about Sydnee! :) But until then I will enjoy it! :) It was a long, but great day as I always love to see and be with family as much as possible.

Yesterday Sydnee had her 4 month check-up. I had to go by myself, but I didn't think she was going to have to get shots this time, but I was wrong! LOL. She had to get two shots and was not very happy, and I teared up, but kept it pretty together. Poor thing. We got home and she did great, fed her, got her a bath and she was out for the night at 6:30! And slept till 8 this morning! It was much needed rest for all of us!
She now weighs 16.3 pounds (lil chunky butt!) and is 24.8 inches tall. She is in the 90th percentile and is growing great! The doctor said she looked really good! She is getting so big!

Friday, April 2, 2010

4 Months!

Hard to believe that my lil hunny is 4 months old today! Time sure is flying by fast, but I am enjoying EVERY moment of it. I am constantly amazed by what she is exploring and able to do. She is finding he legs and toes right now and I can't help but sit and watch her. Love you hunny!