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Friday, October 17, 2008

Weekly Update #2

Flying Tiger Families and Friends,
The next major phase of our deployment has begun with the transition of squadron personnel from the boat to working on dry land in the Philippines.With the exception of our MALS detachment (MALS-36 from Okinawa, or from MALS 16 or 39 in California), all of our Marines have transitioned ashore this week. Our MALS Marines will be staying on the ship until a port visit later this month. The rest of us are working from Clark Air Base or a couple other smaller camps which are on the island of Luzon, just northwestof Manila. One of the local newspapers this morning had a picture of some of our helicopters on the front page, only they were labeled as U. S. Air Force helicopters! I guess the media is susceptible to incorrect information and mis-quotes the world over. As with any major transition like this, it may take a few days to get our e-mail or internet access up and running, please be patient if you are waiting for that message from yourMarine. I do expect this transition to go smoother than when we first got aboard ship. The Flying Tigers continue to accomplish their mission in every clime and place. I am as impressed as ever with their dedication and hard work of every member of the squadron that enables us to get our helicopters up in the air.
Lieutenant Colonel Doug Schueler
HMM-262 (REIN) Commanding Officer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Meggan,
I'm a Marine mom. My son, Lcpl Guy Capra (Donald) , is Sally's fiance. I think she left you a comment on another day. I was wondering how you get the 262's command note. Does it come through your FRO? Jay and I would love to hear more about Donald's unit. Is your husband added on as part of the REIN? Also my husband was wondering why you are not expecting your husband until January. Donald thinks his unit will be done in early December. Thanks for your updates and sharing the love! Nancy