Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Experienced Another First...Many More To Come!

Last night I had a mommy first experience. I was giving Sydnee a tubby, her favorite time of the entire day. No matter how crabby she is, I get her naked and she already knows where she is going...she starts giggling and smiling...ITS TUBBY TIME! :) Yesterday I threw her in the tub and she was tooting up a storm. I figure well, she already pooped today so no worries. As the toots got stronger and more frequent, lol, I decided to hurry up because this could be disasterous...before I could stand up to get her out, I suddenly realized there was a snake in the tub! ;) Sydnee had pooped in the tub and there is was...floating proudly in the tub! LOL. I couldn't help but laugh and I knew my lil peanut felt better, so no need to get mad. This was just one of the firsts that I will experience in mommyhood and I am sure it isn't the last time I will be fishing poop out of the tub! :)

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