So much has happened to keep me busy for the past 4 weeks. It is so hard to believe that Syndee is already a month old! She got weighed in yesterday at 9lbs 7oz, so she has gained 2 pounds in a month! I feel like she is so big and changed so much already...hard to imagine what the next month with be like.
First thing is first. Shortly after giving birth, less than 2 weeks, Sydnee and I flew home to MN which is where we will be living for the next 5 to 6 months while Luke is on deployment. We are all situated here, our room is set up and we are settling in just fine. Luke drove home for Christmas with the dogs and made it safe and sound here, just before the bad weather hit. Our 3 Christmas' that we attended were great. Everyone got to meet Sydnee which was great.
Luke left yesterday morning to head back to California and will be leaving for deployment shortly. This deployment is so bitter sweet for us. It is going to be harder now that we have Sydnee and Luke will not be here to see her grow, but it means that this is the last deployment we will have to go through since he plans on getting out of the military next November. Stuff like this never gets easier, but I am staying super positive as I have Sydnee to keep me strong and be strong for. It will be challenging, but the end result is what I am looking at right now.
If things couldn't be more stressful! Duke got his mass skin tumor removed yesterday and I picked him up today. It nearly covers his whole shoulder and it is full of stitches and I feel so sorry for him. He seems to be ok, uncomfortable, but mobile. He will be in recovery for 2 weeks and I just pray that they were able to get all the cancer and we won't have to deal with this again.
Phew! This has been a month that has been full of joy, sadness, nervousness and happiness. Quite the combination huh? I am glad that 2009 is coming to a close, as 2010 will be even better! Sydnee our rock and someone that has brought so much to our life...I can't wait for even more (if that is possible). We love you Lucas, stay safe and we will see you very soon! :)
As a family of the military, we live for each moment of time that we have with one another because we never know when that time will be taken away from us, which seems to be more often than not. Our lives are constantly changing and although it seems we spend more time apart then together, we wouldn't change anything about it.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Sydnee Eden Leifermann Is Here! Here Is Her Birth Story...
I was scheduled to be induced on December 2nd at 5:00 in the morning. The day and night before was hard to get through as I was very anxious, nervous, scared, excited, etc to go through the delivery process and meet my daughter. I have to say I did not sleep one hour, making that morning very hard to go through. We arrived at the Women Center at 6 in the morning, due to them being short on staff. We got checked in and comfortable in our birthing suite. We were both impressed on the suite we got, it was very large and nice...perfect place to have a baby! They began the induction process right away, taking my vitals, giving me an IV and doing the epidural. Up until the epidural I was very cold, shivering and it seemed I was not able to get warm. Lucas left the room for a couple minutes to go to the bathroom and within that matter of time, things went down hill.
I began sweating, very hot, and lost all the color in my lips and face. I felt as though I was about to vomit. Before I know it, 3 more nurses were in my room flipping me to my side, putting an oxygen mask on me and rushing me to the OR. Sydnee's heart rate went from 160 to 40 within those matter of seconds and they were worried about her, so they rushed me for a C-Section.
While laying in the operating room, it was hard to concentrate on everything happening around me. I was so hyped up on drugs and it seemed to happen so quick. Sydnee Eden finally made her appearance at 7 59 a.m. and very healthy! She was 7 lbs 11 oz and 20 inches long. I wasn't able to see her right away, but everyone was saying how much hair she had and they weren't lying! LOL, she has tons of it, must of got it from her daddy!
We have been in the hospital for the past 3 days and it has been a process for me, just being able to recover. Sydnee couldn't be better, she sleeps constantly and is very active when she isn't...looking around and being observant. She loves to cuddle and has a very stubborn attitude! LOL, but we are so blessed to have her in our lives and it is hard to imagine life without her...hard to believe how much you can love someone! She is my angel and I can't wait to spend every second, minute, hour, day, etc with her! Thanks for all the love and support of our family and friends, we couldn't have done it without you! And we can't wait for you all to meet her! Love you all!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Last Baby-Free Weekend!
This is the last weekend to ourselves before having a little one and I am sure I will be wanting one of these, but in a long time! ;) It is still hard to believe that our lives are about to change forever, as I have looked into her room and had her stuff around the house for so long! It will be nice to finally walk by and see her in her room, using her stuff. It hasn't been the best weekend or last couple weeks for that matter, having to deal with the sleepless nights, my emotions on highs and lows, moving...etc. I am glad to say that although this weekend was rough, we got a lot accomplished with moving a great deal of stuff into our storage unit. I am feeling a little less overwhelmed in that aspect. I also got everything in order for being in the hospital, house cleaned, laundry done, her bag packed, etc. If there is something called overly prepared, we are! Even though I feel we aren't, I know deep down there isn't possibly anything else I could do, buy, say, etc to get me, us, more prepared for this little women to come!
Hopefully I can get some sleep before her birth, as I know I will be anxious, excited and nervous for Wednesday morning to come. Can't wait for this pregnancy to end and all the hard work to pay off with her!
Hopefully I can get some sleep before her birth, as I know I will be anxious, excited and nervous for Wednesday morning to come. Can't wait for this pregnancy to end and all the hard work to pay off with her!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
December 2nd is the date!
We had our last appointment today until the birth of our daughter. I can't even begin to describe the feeling at the doctors office as I was so nervous. Nothing has felt so real up until this point and talking about the birth really made it sink in for me and Lucas. The doctor checked me and told me that I was 1 cm dilated and the baby has dropped down. I have felt this as it seems my stomach looks and feels lower and not to mention the need to go to the bathroom every 2 minutes! :) If I do not go into labor before the 2nd of December, that is when I will go in for an induction and should have the baby by the afternoon. The doctor is confident that I will deliver naturally, but prepared me for a possible c-section scenario. I am feeling excited that this is really happening, but I am nervous and scared for what is to come. Even knowing all the details, step for step, and watching videos and reading hasn't eased the nerves at all, but I have confidence in myself that I will do fine. Either way, Sydnee Eden is on her way into this world on the 2nd or sooner! I can't believe we are going to be parents! Best feeling and present in the world!
Friday, November 20, 2009
38 Weeks and 14 Days To Go!
Today I am 38 weeks along and getting VERY anxious, scared, nervous and excited. I have been dealing with insomnia lately, pretty much staying up 24 hours and only getting a couple hours of sleep. I think it is due largely to me, freaking myself out for what is to come and the unknown. I make myself worry too much, which I know is first out of my hands and second bad for me and the baby, so I am trying my hardest to relax. Much of this is due to the many baby shows I have been watching of women in labor and it gets me nervous to know that WILL be me enduring all that and then some! I am ready and as prepared as I am going to get, but just nervous to see exactly how it will happen. For now, I am just enjoying the quite time and relaxing as much as I can (minus the sleep!). Not too much longer!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Another Appointment Down, Few To Go
I had another doctor appointment yesterday. I was so positive that things have progressed, just at least a little bit, due to the night before. The night before I was experiencing a lot of cramping and shooting pains for about 2 hours...painful enough to wake me up and keep me up. I was so exhausted from lack of sleep, but hopefully she was making her way. Was that the case? UM NO! The doctor checked me and said that I was the same from last week. He said there was 2 things he didn't like about my check up, my pelvic is small and the she isn't dropping down at all because of it. He said that by the next appointment, if things haven't progressed at all (even one centimeter), we would talk about induction or a c-section. My doctor is very reassuring, telling me he doesn't want me to go a day over or have a nightmare labor (being in labor for a long amount of time.) I feel very comfortable with him and know the best will be done for all of us. I just can't wait for her to come...still doesn't feel real until we have her in our arms. So for now, 16 more days or less, if she decides to not be stubborn! :)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Days Decreasing, Anxiety and Excitement Increasing!
The days keep passing and I swear that as everyday passes, I walk more and more like a penguin! :) I am going through that uncomfortable stage that everyone has been telling me about. I cannot sleep for the life of me, being a night owl due to not finding that "right" spot to get into to fall asleep. Lucas and the dogs have been enjoying the bed to themselves as I have been camping out on the couch. It seems like it is the only place that makes me feel some what comfortable, but it is lonely! I should be getting my rest, but this is what it will be like to have a baby! Running on no sleep, so I am getting use to that idea!
I haven't been having any contractions, I don't think, but I have been having a lot of discomfort and cramping. I am no longer able to bend, turn, twist like I could have a week or so ago. Sydnee's feet is constantly jabbing me in the ribs and she hasn't slowed down one bit! It is like she is dancing to her own tune in there! Either way, I am trying to stay positive and active to keep my mind off of things. We are totally prepared for her to come any any day she wants to come! (Tomorrow would be nice! lol)
I haven't been having any contractions, I don't think, but I have been having a lot of discomfort and cramping. I am no longer able to bend, turn, twist like I could have a week or so ago. Sydnee's feet is constantly jabbing me in the ribs and she hasn't slowed down one bit! It is like she is dancing to her own tune in there! Either way, I am trying to stay positive and active to keep my mind off of things. We are totally prepared for her to come any any day she wants to come! (Tomorrow would be nice! lol)
Friday, November 6, 2009
36 Weeks/9 Months Preggers Today!
I can't believe I am this far already, but I am loving it! I am so ready for this to be over with and meet our little girl! I cannot even begin to tell you all how prepared I am, is there such as thing as being overly-prepared? Because I definitely think I am! I am getting to the point where I am shopping for nonsense stuff, trying to justify that I need it to help pass the time. We are so excited!
It has been a rough week for me, I have come down with the flu and trying to get over that and the exhaustion I am feeling is hard, but I keep myself motivated by telling myself it will be over before I know it and well worth it!
I am looking for all the signs now for things to progress, such as the baby dropping or contractions (even though it might be a little early, but you never know!). Everyone keeps telling me we are going to have a end of November baby, so I am keeping that optimism alive. I have another appointment on Tuesday where he will check me again (ew!) and see if anything is progressing.
It has been a rough week for me, I have come down with the flu and trying to get over that and the exhaustion I am feeling is hard, but I keep myself motivated by telling myself it will be over before I know it and well worth it!
I am looking for all the signs now for things to progress, such as the baby dropping or contractions (even though it might be a little early, but you never know!). Everyone keeps telling me we are going to have a end of November baby, so I am keeping that optimism alive. I have another appointment on Tuesday where he will check me again (ew!) and see if anything is progressing.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Update #3
Nothing exciting, yet!
I had my third appointment for the week today and I have to say, I was getting tired of coming there! :) I waited for an hour in a half in the waiting room and overheard the nurses talking about how my Dr. had a complication in surgery which is why everything got pushed I knew I would be waiting a while. FINALLY, my name was called...all to be called back to check my urine and blood pressure! That's it! Lets just say I am 35 weeks pregnant and highly irritable and that made it worse! :) I should just be lucky that everything checked out fine and that is all they had to do for today. Next appointment is next Wednesday...hopefully they can tell me some new news.
I had my third appointment for the week today and I have to say, I was getting tired of coming there! :) I waited for an hour in a half in the waiting room and overheard the nurses talking about how my Dr. had a complication in surgery which is why everything got pushed I knew I would be waiting a while. FINALLY, my name was called...all to be called back to check my urine and blood pressure! That's it! Lets just say I am 35 weeks pregnant and highly irritable and that made it worse! :) I should just be lucky that everything checked out fine and that is all they had to do for today. Next appointment is next Wednesday...hopefully they can tell me some new news.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Update #2
No baby!
That is both good news and bad news (just for the sake that we can't wait to meet her), but glad that all my tests came back good and my blood pressure was lower. They really got me scared yesterday (partially it was because my doctor wasn't there), but my Dr. assured me that everything was fine and I looked great. I love him as he puts my nerves at ease and makes me feel like I am in good hands...because I am! I have another appointment on Friday where he is going to do a pelvic check. I will then be going in twice a week until I deliver just so they can monitor me and make sure everything is going well. I am still on bed rest, but not strict bed rest...don't think I could do that! My ADD is already kicking in as I hate being home all day by myself and not working. I miss all my kiddos at the daycare, but I know I need to get my rest while I can. Thank you to everyone for keeping us in your thoughts! We appreciate all the love and support!
That is both good news and bad news (just for the sake that we can't wait to meet her), but glad that all my tests came back good and my blood pressure was lower. They really got me scared yesterday (partially it was because my doctor wasn't there), but my Dr. assured me that everything was fine and I looked great. I love him as he puts my nerves at ease and makes me feel like I am in good hands...because I am! I have another appointment on Friday where he is going to do a pelvic check. I will then be going in twice a week until I deliver just so they can monitor me and make sure everything is going well. I am still on bed rest, but not strict bed rest...don't think I could do that! My ADD is already kicking in as I hate being home all day by myself and not working. I miss all my kiddos at the daycare, but I know I need to get my rest while I can. Thank you to everyone for keeping us in your thoughts! We appreciate all the love and support!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Dr. Appointment Update
I had a Dr. appointment yesterday that I was extreamely nervous for. Since last Friday, my feet, hands and face have been swollen (not just a little, but a great deal) and it caused some concern. I began to read about a condition called preeclampsia or toxemia and that began to scare me even more. So I went in the dr. yesterday with a positive attitude and they checked my weight and did the urine sample and that was when it started. My urine test strip was green, meaning that I was dehydrated (don't know how that could have been because I drink water like there is no tomorrow!) and I tested for protein in my urine, which isn't good. They took my blood pressure twice, which was high, before having me lay on my left side for 20 mins and then took it again for it to be only higher. The dr. advised me to be on strict bed rest and not eat for 24 hrs just in case I would have to go in for an emergency C-Section.
This appointment was one that I wish Lucas could have been there for as I was so scared. I was bawling in the lab room waiting for my blood to be drawn and for them to tell me about having to do a 24 hr urine collection. I couldn't help but think the worst in this situation and thinking about how this isn't how it was suppose to be. After heading home I realized that either way, we are going to be ok. At this point, I hope they just take her out because I am worrying too much about our health. I am far along enough that everything will be ok if she is delivered. I just hope for the best. I have my appointment today to check my blood, urine and blood pressure and they are going to make a decision from there. I will keep everyone posted as soon as we get word!
This appointment was one that I wish Lucas could have been there for as I was so scared. I was bawling in the lab room waiting for my blood to be drawn and for them to tell me about having to do a 24 hr urine collection. I couldn't help but think the worst in this situation and thinking about how this isn't how it was suppose to be. After heading home I realized that either way, we are going to be ok. At this point, I hope they just take her out because I am worrying too much about our health. I am far along enough that everything will be ok if she is delivered. I just hope for the best. I have my appointment today to check my blood, urine and blood pressure and they are going to make a decision from there. I will keep everyone posted as soon as we get word!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Wait A Minute, Where Did My Button Go?
I couldn't help but laugh at myself this morning after literally squeezing into my shorts (yes shorts, it's still 80 degrees here!) I have REALLY procrastinated getting any maternity clothes as I have still really fit comfortably into my pants and shirts...that is until this morning! :) I just put my shorts on and bent over to pick up a shirt and opps...there goes my button! LOL, I am glad that those shorts had double buttons, because I still went to work hoping that last button didn't I am so close to being over and I am turning just thinking about buying new clothes just for a couple more weeks. I am only working for a couple more weeks, so I think I can tough it out...then it is all sweatpants and hoodies from that point forward! :) I will be a happy camper!
Just had to share my pregnant blooper this morning that made me smile (should make me cry thinking that my pants no longer fit). I am just enjoying this while I can! :)
Just had to share my pregnant blooper this morning that made me smile (should make me cry thinking that my pants no longer fit). I am just enjoying this while I can! :)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Somethings Gotta Give

That is a complete understatement! I am not wanting to be one of those pregnant women that complains about EVERYTHING, and I think I have done really well...surprising not only myself, but Lucas as well. However, something has got to give with this sleeping arrangements! I am averaging about 2 hours, no that is not a typo, a night and I am getting to the point where I am no longer myself. I am snappy, crabby, spacey, etc and I feel at any moment in time I just might lay down and not wake up! :) I am THAT tired. I don't know exactly why I am not sleeping, a combination of things really. It is hard when the husband is snoring so loud that everyone can hear it within a 2 mile radius and my dogs are sleeping directly on me! Since I spend most of my "sleeping" time on the couch, I find that my mind is constantly racing thinking about moving, the labor, and on and on and on. I tried Tylenol PM last night for the first time hoping for some relief, but no luck. The doctor told me to try it at least a couple more nights and if it doesn't work, stronger stuff will be prescribed, which I am hoping the Tylenol works. Cross your fingers! I need all the help I can get!
Monday, October 12, 2009
My 32 Week Checkup
I had another doctor appointment today (seems like I am starting to live there now!) and everything went really well. I was worried that she was no longer in position because of how active she has been the last week...even Lucas has been amazed. He came to bed last night and put his around me and told me this morning that she was doing flips. She is one active little girl! However, despite all the flipping, punching, kicking, etc., she is still in position thank heaven! They also informed me that I lost weight my last appointment, but everything checked out good this time around. It is getting down to the wire and I am starting to feel the pressure! Although I still don't feel like this is REALLY happening, it should all kick in very soon when I am in so much pain right? :) Despite everything that is going on, we are right now track to where we want to be. I have another appointment in 2 weeks where the doctor will check my cervix and will be able to tell me (according to him) how my labor will go and if I have made any progress. Lets hope for an easy delivery and an early one at that! I want daddy Lucas to get to spend as much time with her as possible and everyday counts!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
How Could I Forget!
We were so busy yesterday I forgot to make a post wishing Lucas a Happy 27th Birthday. We had a great day yesterday just spending it with one another for the first time in a while! Lucas got to slurge on himself by getting a BluRay player (which he has been wanting for a long time!) and we had a great lunch and dinner together and topped the night off watching movies. I love just soaking up all this "Lucas" time I get to have and it is nice to just get our minds off of things for a while. Here is to MANY more birthdays together!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
8 Month Milestone!

Hey everyone! I am 8 months pregnant and have 57 days or less until we get to meet this lil girl! I feel like this pregnancy has gone by so fast, granted I have had some bad days where I feel it will never end, but for the most part, I am truly blessed to have such a smooth, easy-going pregnancy. I am so thankful! I am starting to get stressed out about all that needs to get done (including getting everything packed up now that we are moving) and worrying about having everything in order. I have another doctor appointment on Monday for a checkup. I am hoping that we will get an ultrasound done very soon, since it has been so long. I wanna be able to see the progress she has made, which is so amazing! We have less than 2 months everyone and then this little girl will be here and ready for all your hugs and kisses! :)
Monday, October 5, 2009
New Changes = New Attitude
We have had all weekend to talk, talk, talk and talk some more about our new reality that is heading our way whether we want it to or not. It was extremely hard for me to take the news the first day or so and I am sure being pregnant didn't help the situation much! :) I cried a lot, but finally realized yesterday that things come into our lives for a reason...whether to make us stronger, teach us a lesson, or other things and I need to take this negative situation and turn into a positive, the best way that I can. Part of me was feeling so guilty for the way I was acting because I have MANY friends whose husbands weren't able to be there for the birth and for the next 6 months of the child's life. At least Lucas will be able to help me through this tremendous hurdle, meet his daughter and spend time with her before he leaves. It can ALWAYS be worse and I am looking at it from that's helping me cope and deal with the situation right now. Even though we have this on our minds constantly, we are trying to concentrate on the upcoming birth of our first child and enjoy every last minute of this exciting and great time in our lives together. The rest can come...just not right's not going to ruin this moment! We have a tremendously supportive family, which I don't know what I would do without! Thank you for giving us the support and encouragement that we will get through this on top and offering all your help. We really wouldn't make it if it wasn't for you all!!! Love you and lets make the best of the months to come! :) Sydnee Eden Leifermann will be here is less than 2 months!!!!!!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Deployment #2 Coming...

It was the news I thought I would never hear again, since Lucas is getting out of the Marine Corps in less than a year..."Honey, I hate to tell you this, but I am deploying...again..." When he told me this, my heart literally fell into my lap and tears began to fall down my face. I was so devastated just thinking about having him leave again...and this time it isn't just me he is leaving, but his brand new daughter. I feel so horrible that he is going to be gone for all the little things he should not miss out on for his first child, but then again, as horrible as this can be, we are not the first people in the military to go through this. I have several friends that have given birth to their first child without their husbands. I just keep telling myself that Lucas will be here for the birth and the first month of her life before leaving. I am horribly sad right now, we both are, but I know this can only make us stronger in the end and after this last deployment, he is out and we will have a lifetime to make up for this 6 months of him being gone. We have a lot of decisions and changes coming up in the next 3 months. People said that having a baby will change your life, I just didn't think I would be going through so many changes at once! ;) I'm staying optimistic that everything will hopefully fall into place....
Monday, September 28, 2009
Love The Visits, Hate The "See Ya Laters"
I was so grateful to have my mom and niece, Karlee come out for the week and it has been a blast having them around. Our week was full of girl time spent at Seaworld, the water park, shopping and so much more! I truly miss having family around to do these types of things, as it has never been apart of my lifestyle since I was 18 and moved out to California. It really makes you miss having that time with your family, even if it is just lounging around and watching movies, but one more year out here and I will be able to have that luxury. It was also a treat to have them attend my doctor appointment today. We got to hear the baby's heart beat and learn the position of the baby, head down, which is good news! Hard to think that the next time I see my family, there will be plus one. :) Here is pictures from this week. Thanks for a great time, it was hard dropping them off at the airport and it won't be long until I see them again!

Saturday, September 26, 2009
So Much
My mom and Karlee flew out this week to spend a little time with us and it has been nice having them around to go and do things with...I miss having that, being so far away and all. We have done a lot of shopping and playing around San Diego and we still have 3 more days left. We are SeaWorld bound today and the rest is up to them. I am really excited that they will be able to make it to my doctors appointment on Monday, which I know my mom is looking forward to. It is hard having everyone so far away and missing out on so much, but I will take what I can get. My mom also helped me put the finishing touches on the nursery and I love it so much! Now I can truly say, only one thing is missing and that is our baby! Hard to believe that I am 69 days away, which seems like eternity, but the time is flying by so terribly fast that I really can't complain. I will post pictures of the updates nursery and our adventures as soon as I can and update everyone on what they say at my appointment on Monday!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
29 Weeks...Woah Momma!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Another Appointment Down
I had my one hour glucose appointment today along with a dr. appointment while I was waiting for that hour. My appointment went great, the dr. said her head is still down and is up really high right now. All my tests came back perfect so there is nothing to worry about! I had to talk to the dr. about my swollen feet and charley horses that I was getting and I am glad I got some tips on how to get rid of all that fun stuff! :) I am now having to go in every 2 weeks up until my last month of my pregnancy and it is starting to really hit me how close I am to the end. It is making me really nervous, anxious and excited, but mostly nervous. It is hard to know what to expect...and I am always so anxious when I am in hospitals (I've always disliked them so much). We will see though. My mom and niece are flying out next week and it will be nice to have them out and be able to go to my next appointment so I can share this experience with them.
Until then, I hope the swollen feet and charley horses subside and I can gain back a little bit more energy.
Until then, I hope the swollen feet and charley horses subside and I can gain back a little bit more energy.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Good Morning Charlie Horse
There is nothing like waking up in the morning to a charlie horse in your calf! Let me tell you, this is the worst pain I have EVER felt in my life. I feel like there is something about to rip right through my leg and it seems to be happening more often than not. I use to get them once in a blue moon, but I have gotten 3 in the past couple months and I can't go through another one! It makes me cry, shake, and feel like vomiting from the pain. I know it is from low levels of potassium and I have been eating bananas and drinking plenty of water, but it seems that if I miss a day, I am guaranteed to get one that night. I can't wait till my next appointment to talk to my doctor about this, as I have been doing some research on this and it seems that it is fairly common, so I might just have to ride out the next 3 months. We will see!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Hello Sleepless Nights!
For the past three weeks, I have gotten the bare minimum amount of sleep. There are so many reasons for this: Too much on my mind, FREQUENT trips to the bathroom, my husband snores so loud it wakes up the neighbors in Tijuana, my dogs barking, the owl that screeches outside our window and most definitely feeling pregnant and uncomfortable! I have been so frustrated with everything and just been trying to take a deep breath, but its been hard. It always does not help that it has been in the 100's here. I am just becoming more impatient and anxious for cool weather to come or better yet December to come! I am enjoying feeling her moving around more often during the day at work and less at night, but there is nothing that is going to compare to holding her in my arms and having her here to be with us. We walk into her room frequently and just can't wait!
I guess all these sleepless nights are just a taste of what is to come, but I can't wait! :)
I guess all these sleepless nights are just a taste of what is to come, but I can't wait! :)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
No Longer In Triple Digits...Hopefully!
Today is a small milestone, but I am officially out of the trip digits and into the doubles! It is hard to believe how fast this is all going (most of the days with a few bad ones) and I am just glad that I am surviving the summer being pregnant. It is not over yet...still getting hotter (103 today and getting hotter), but as each day passes I can't help but feel more happy, but nervous about where I am heading. I just got my first bunch of maternity clothes yesterday (don't fit quite yet) and I still need to grow a little bit, but hopefully not too much! ;) Everything is going good, still kicking away! I am even starting to feel her while I am at work and not so much at night, so hopefully she is getting the
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Seems A Little More Real

It hasn't REALLY sunk into me, until the other night that Lucas and I will have a little one to take care of and love in about 14 more weeks, until we got the nursery some what done last night. The dresser finally arrived yesterday to pick up which was the last piece of the puzzle we were missing and it was nice to be able to put away all of her clothes! It sure filled up fast! :) Everything we hung up seemed to be perfect and fit into its place and the more I loved it. Here is what we have completed so far, I just need to put some minor things here and there, but for the most part it is done. I couldn't love it more and I find myself just walking in there and thinking it won't be long. It's funny how we are waiting for this person to arrive into this world, everything she will need...just waiting, patiently.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Worry Wart
I haven't had any worries during this pregnancy and everything has gone by so smoothly with no complications yet (knock on wood). I started painting the baby room this weekend and after completing it I heard that it was horrible for pregnant ladies to breathe in the fumes from the paint, which got my so worried for the first time! I must have freaked myself out horribly because she hasn't been kicking for the last couple night, which is HIGHLY uncommon especially at night. It got me so worried my Dr. read it all over my face and put my mind at ease and we got to hear the heartbeat to make sure all is well. Being a worry wart, like I can be, my senses were wrong and everything is perfect! My mind is at ease now! Phew! My Dr. went over all the blood work and ultrasound pics with me and everything is perfect! I couldn't be more blessed. Another appointment next month, which is the fun one hour diabetes test...yippie for me!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Dear Sydnee
Dear Sydnee,
Mommy just wanted to let you know that I love feeling you kicking everyday as it makes me feel that you are ok in there and for sure having fun! :) When I don't feel you around the time you are normally up to play I get a little worried. However! You woke me out of a dead sleep last night because you kicked my side so hard I jumped to what seemed like the moon! :) Maybe you should come "out" to play during the day instead of when I lay down to go nightie night. As much as I want you to literally come out to play with your daddy and I, I know that it is important that you stay in there to grow bigger and stronger...I can wait and so can you. Besides I am so not ready for you to be here yet, we still got painting and things to do! ;) You have no idea how much you are loved already, you have no idea how many people are waiting to hold you and love you. Until that day, keep kickin' baby, maybe just during the daylight hours and not the wee hours of the night! :) Love you!
Mommy just wanted to let you know that I love feeling you kicking everyday as it makes me feel that you are ok in there and for sure having fun! :) When I don't feel you around the time you are normally up to play I get a little worried. However! You woke me out of a dead sleep last night because you kicked my side so hard I jumped to what seemed like the moon! :) Maybe you should come "out" to play during the day instead of when I lay down to go nightie night. As much as I want you to literally come out to play with your daddy and I, I know that it is important that you stay in there to grow bigger and stronger...I can wait and so can you. Besides I am so not ready for you to be here yet, we still got painting and things to do! ;) You have no idea how much you are loved already, you have no idea how many people are waiting to hold you and love you. Until that day, keep kickin' baby, maybe just during the daylight hours and not the wee hours of the night! :) Love you!
Monday, August 10, 2009
We have decided on a name and decided we couldn't keep it a secret since we are so overly excited! Our baby girl's name is Sydnee Eden Leifermann and we are being very patient and enjoying her being VERY active. She loves to squirm around at night while I am trying to, a little taste of what I am in for I guess, but it is all good. Here are the most recent ultrasound pictures of her and I have my next appointment next Monday.

Hard to see the footprint, but its there...

Direct view of her face, kinda

Profile of her head and body.

Hard to see the footprint, but its there...

Direct view of her face, kinda

Profile of her head and body.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Home Doesn't Quite Feel Like Home....
Like always, our trips home to Minnesota go faster than we want them to. It seems like yesterday we just got there and now the goodbyes are so bitter sweet. It will probably be the last time many people see before our baby is born and that has gotten me a little down, but excited to show her off to my family when we get the chance. I had such a humbling experience at home and for once in my life, I didn't want to go back to California. Small town Austin isn't as bad as I have always portrayed in and besides, there is no place like home where your family is. I have spent so many years away, that I finally realize how much I miss out on and how much people miss out on in my life. So it has been really hard being back home in Cali, I have spent a lot of time crying just wishing we could be closer to family. BUT, it will come one day, soon...I just have to keep strong and have faith that everything will work out the way it is planned.
While I was home, my family held a baby shower for me and it was amazing! I got to see people I have not seen in years! There was a lot of people there, so if I didn't have time to chat with you all that much, I'm sorry! I really appreciated everyone coming out, it meant a lot to me. I have to say that I am pretty well prepared so far this little Sydnee to come. We are working on her room right now and will post pics of that and the shower when I get them up. Thanks to everyone that made our trip so amazing, we love and miss you all.
While I was home, my family held a baby shower for me and it was amazing! I got to see people I have not seen in years! There was a lot of people there, so if I didn't have time to chat with you all that much, I'm sorry! I really appreciated everyone coming out, it meant a lot to me. I have to say that I am pretty well prepared so far this little Sydnee to come. We are working on her room right now and will post pics of that and the shower when I get them up. Thanks to everyone that made our trip so amazing, we love and miss you all.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Made it....FINALLY!
We made it safe and sound to Minnesota late or should I say very early Friday morning. It was the most uncomfortable and exhausting trip we have made...and we have done this a lot! I just keep thinking to myself that we still have to go back! ;) But no need to dwell on that now...for now I am just enjoying relaxing and doing everything I can with my family that I've missed so much. It is crazy how much people or things change in 7 months of not seeing them! Not to mention my niece! Omgosh has she grown up...she is 4 going on 13 it seems and I just have to look at her and wonder where the time went? She was so happy to see me and she is to the point where she finally understands where I am at and why I don't get to see her very often, but it is good that when I come home we pick up right where we left off! I have yet to see my nephew, but I can only imagine how much he has changed too...I can't wait to see him! I have nothing major planned while being home besides the baby shower that will be next week, that will be good to see all the family and play catch up. Lucas is up north right now for a week with his Dad's family having fun at a cabin...wish I could be there, but I'm enjoying this time! Never thought I would miss this place so much! ;)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Leaving For MN
Lucas and I (and the dogs) are embarking on another road trip adventure to Minnesota at least this time we don't have to worry about the snow element and wrecking the car! It has been so long since we have seen everyone, since January, and it will be really nice to see everyone. Even though I know it will go by so fast, it always does, I am going to do as much as I can with everyone. Not to mention I can not wait for my baby shower to see all the my friends and family I don't get to see very often! It should be a good time! So here we go again, see everyone in a couple days!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
And We Are Having A......
Beautiful, healthy, little girl! We all knew in the back of our minds that it was a girl, but it was a shock all at the same time and confirmation that this all is real! I still feels so surreal to me, but it was amazing to see her during the ultrasound squirming around and seeing how big she has gotten! It was hard not to get emotional, but I fought it back, but have been really emotional all day. I feel this missing piece is finally filled in and I know that Lucas is going to be an amazing father to this little girl. I just can't wait to hold, kiss and love her and show her to the world. Ohhh here come the water works!
The doctor said everything looked good, she is healthy and very active. I will have to post the 4 ultrasound pictures once I get them scanned. We have a named picked out already, but not a full name yet as we haven't decided on the middle name...any suggestions? So we are all excited and congrats to the happy grandparents out there! Can't wait to see you all very soon!
The doctor said everything looked good, she is healthy and very active. I will have to post the 4 ultrasound pictures once I get them scanned. We have a named picked out already, but not a full name yet as we haven't decided on the middle name...any suggestions? So we are all excited and congrats to the happy grandparents out there! Can't wait to see you all very soon!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
An Unexpected Visitor Last Night
Lucas has been gone in Nevada since June 15th, but was planning on being home on Friday. He informed me that they would be flying back to San Diego on Monday just to fix a plane, but then they would have to head back to Nevada. It was like a tease for me since I knew he was so close, but he would be leaving shortly. Since the part for the plane wasn't going to be in till this morning, Lucas got to come home for the night last night. It was so nice to just have him show up expectedly. I missed him and glad I got to spend a couple hours with him before he departed! Can't wait till Friday!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Fathers Day
Happy Fathers Day to my amazing father who I have always looked up to since I can remember...guess you can say I am a daddy's girl! My dad helped me out so much throughout my life whether it was with school (always with math problems!) or with softball or basketball. He put in all the blood sweat and tears I did as well I and I thank him for that! He really is the best dad a girl could ask for.
And Happy Father's Day to Lucas, who is a soon to be daddy. I know he is going to be the best dad this little one could ask for!
To all the dad's and future dads out there, happy fathers day!!!!!!
And Happy Father's Day to Lucas, who is a soon to be daddy. I know he is going to be the best dad this little one could ask for!
To all the dad's and future dads out there, happy fathers day!!!!!!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Second Appointment Update
I have to admit I was a little too overly nervous for my doctors appointment today. Lucas wasn't able to make it and I knew I was going to be getting back some lab work, and it is hard not to think about the possible bad news...but that is the worry wart I am!
My checkup went very well! I am pleased that I have only gained 2 pounds so far (feels like 22!). All my blood work came back negative so no sweat there! I got to hear the heartbeat of the baby and it is a sound that will never get old and it brought me so much reassurance and happiness. I only wish I could have shared it with someone, but next time! I was happy and excited to hear that we have to wait just 3 more weeks to find out the sex!! I can hardly keep my emotions in check right now, because I am so ready to get prepared buying the whole baby section out of Target ;) It will feel more real when we can put a name to this little peanut. This is all feeling so surreal still, but it will change soon. I'm still not showing very much yet, but I will post pictures soon!
My checkup went very well! I am pleased that I have only gained 2 pounds so far (feels like 22!). All my blood work came back negative so no sweat there! I got to hear the heartbeat of the baby and it is a sound that will never get old and it brought me so much reassurance and happiness. I only wish I could have shared it with someone, but next time! I was happy and excited to hear that we have to wait just 3 more weeks to find out the sex!! I can hardly keep my emotions in check right now, because I am so ready to get prepared buying the whole baby section out of Target ;) It will feel more real when we can put a name to this little peanut. This is all feeling so surreal still, but it will change soon. I'm still not showing very much yet, but I will post pictures soon!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Teale Photography Outcome
We finally got our pictures back from our little photo shoot that we did and they turned out a little better then expected. There had to be at least 1 good one out of the 200 pictures we got back! :) Here is just a little taste of our shoot and if you would like prints or see more, let me know and I will be more than happy to send them to you!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Entering The Second Trimester
We are offically out of the scary first trimester where I hear most of the miscarrages happen and I am glad about that! Now we are embarking on a whole new trimester full of even more surprises! I am anxious to find out what we are having although many of you are saying it is going to be a girl. Either way we are fully prepared to deal with the monster in hand and just want to have a healthy baby no matter what the sex. My morning sickness has completely gone away and I am VERY happy about that! The first trimester was very hard on me being sick more days than feeling well, which has made it hard to work out. I have trying to get back on track of staying fit so I don't get to be a whale! :) We have our second appointment coming up so I am anxious to hear what they have to say and know that everything is well. It is the not knowing that has been bothering me. No I am not being a worry wart, I just want to know that "it" is growing and developing the way "it" should. Thats all! :) We love our baby so much already, can only imagine how much we will love it when he or she arrives!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Kind Of Lame, But Oh Well
This is kind of lame, but it just goes to show how excited we are to become parents. We are no longer in the 200's for our countdown, but offically have entered the 100's in terms of how much longer we have. I feel like time is flying by and before I know it, I will be changing diapers, getting so sleep and getting spit up all over me...ohh the joys of being a mother! :) But hey, I can't wait! Just a little bit of excitement I wanted to share!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
First Appointment Down
Lucas and I went to our first appointment today! I was so nervous with all they did to me (no details, trust), but most of you are fully aware of what was done. BUT, I made it out alive and we got to see our little peanut. It is amazing to see the hands, feet, heart beating, head, etc. Even though it should have hit me at THAT point, it still hasn't, that is person is growing inside of me. Once I start showing it will feel more real I suppose. So I am further then I thought, 11 weeks today and the expected due date is December 9th! That's all I know for now, another appointment is scheduled for 4 weeks from today so we should know more then!
Monday, May 18, 2009
1 Down, 2 To Go
I have officially completed my Sociology class today and it feels so good to get done with each class. Each class I take is 5 weeks long, so I have 2 more classes left which are both required math classes! EEeeeecck! I am dreading these classes as I haven't done Math since high school so I am very nervous! I am sure I will do fine, I have survived so many horrible classes, what is 2 more? After I complete these, I am done the road of college graduation and will be the first to graduate in my family! I am beyond ready and stoked for this...wish me luck!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Getting Our Hands Dirty
Lucas and I have been plugging away at our yard that we have neglected for a couple weeks now and decided to get an early start on it since it was going to be super hot today. I started at 7:30, while it took Lucas a little longer to get motivated, lol, but we just finished around noon. I love the smell of fresh cut grass and the look of fresh flowers looks so good, I'm impressed and my father would be proud! (He is the "lawn man") Lucas is off jet skiing, taking advantage of the gorgeous weather and I am about to soak up some rays outside so I will no longer be a ghost! This weekend has been great, but it went by way too fast!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Birthday Week, But A Rough One!
It is hard to believe that I am already 24...where has the time gone? I know, you are probably thinking, ONLY? But I feel like the last couple years have come and gone in a blink of an eye and I really can't believe it, makes you appreciate every moment you can take in. It has been a really long week for both Lucas and I and I am just glad it is over. We didn't do anything special for my birthday, Lucas just got me amazing flowers! Loved them.
My cousin Zachary made it home today after being almost gone for 8 months on a tour in Iraq. He will only be home for a little bit before heading back till September, total bummer. Glad he was able to make it home in time for his wives, Danielle's, graduation for law school. So congrats to both of them! That feeling is the best and you never forget it! :)
Baby update: I have more "evening" sickness then ever, but I am holding up. Just extremely tired and finding it hard to keep to my workouts...its actually been 2 weeks. Lucas isn't helping me to stay motivated very much because half the time I try and drag him for a run and he wiggles OUR way out of it! :) Smooth guy. However, we have our first doctors appointment on Wednesday in the morning and I am very anxious and excited! Don't know what to expect, but it will be nice to have Lucas by my side through it all. I will post any information we receive at the doctors!
My cousin Zachary made it home today after being almost gone for 8 months on a tour in Iraq. He will only be home for a little bit before heading back till September, total bummer. Glad he was able to make it home in time for his wives, Danielle's, graduation for law school. So congrats to both of them! That feeling is the best and you never forget it! :)
Baby update: I have more "evening" sickness then ever, but I am holding up. Just extremely tired and finding it hard to keep to my workouts...its actually been 2 weeks. Lucas isn't helping me to stay motivated very much because half the time I try and drag him for a run and he wiggles OUR way out of it! :) Smooth guy. However, we have our first doctors appointment on Wednesday in the morning and I am very anxious and excited! Don't know what to expect, but it will be nice to have Lucas by my side through it all. I will post any information we receive at the doctors!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Happy mothers day to my very special mom and mother in law! And to all my family and friends who are hard working mothers and deserve this day of recognition! I wish I could be home to celebrate this special day with my mom, but sending her flowers I think made up for that! ;)
Lucas and I had a great morning making brunch together. Just when I thought I couldn't love him more he sneaked a card into my lap top as he knew I would be trying to complete some homework today, so it was a nice little surprise to get it unexpectedly. Love him for that!
We had our photo shoot yesterday with Teale Photography and it was so much fun! I was so nervous for some reason, but it turned out to not be as bad as I thought...awkward at first, but we warmed up to the idea of people I should get them back in 2-3 weeks and I will make sure to send them out to everyone!
Lucas and I had a great morning making brunch together. Just when I thought I couldn't love him more he sneaked a card into my lap top as he knew I would be trying to complete some homework today, so it was a nice little surprise to get it unexpectedly. Love him for that!
We had our photo shoot yesterday with Teale Photography and it was so much fun! I was so nervous for some reason, but it turned out to not be as bad as I thought...awkward at first, but we warmed up to the idea of people I should get them back in 2-3 weeks and I will make sure to send them out to everyone!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Hospitals Are No Fun

Karlee has had a rough 4 days! The poor little girl has been a trooper and a brave one so I hear. My sister had been in and out of the ER with her due to a UTI and fever and stomach cramping, and the doctor kept sending her home and telling her to come back if the symptoms worsen. So, her fever never broke and Karlee was admitted to the hospital yesterday evening so they could do some tests and x-rays. They determined she had a severe bladder infection and had to put an IV in her due to her dehydration. I was told she was quite the brave little girl when they put the IV in her arm, so crying or anything! That a girl! ;) Despite the IV and medication helping her, she is having to spend another night in the hospital tonight, but will be able to go home tomorrow hopefully! I got to speak with her tonight and she sounds 100 percent better, so I hope things only progress positively. The hospital is no place for a four year old! Get well baby girl!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
8 Weeks And Feeling Great!
I know I am going to get yelled at even more than I already have from everyone I know, but I have yet to go to the doctor, but all for a good reason I swear! :) Lucas just switched over my insurance yesterday so I can officially say that I will not be seeing a military doctor (which I have heard and witnessed personally horrible things). I finally picked a doctor today and will be scheduling an appointment asap so everyone can get off my back, and we can make sure everything is ok. I am so excited, as is Lucas.
So I am around 8 weeks and I am feeling great. I got through a huge rough patch that I thought would never pass, a lot of naps and trips to the bathroom due to morning, evening and night sickness! Knock on wood, but I haven't had any sickness since Lucas has been home, just some minor tummy aches. So life is good right now! I will post an new information we get with my first appointment!
So I am around 8 weeks and I am feeling great. I got through a huge rough patch that I thought would never pass, a lot of naps and trips to the bathroom due to morning, evening and night sickness! Knock on wood, but I haven't had any sickness since Lucas has been home, just some minor tummy aches. So life is good right now! I will post an new information we get with my first appointment!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Babies, Babies And More Babies!
My cousin Ian and his girlfriend Lindsey had their first baby girl today, Finally! We all have been patiently awaiting her arrival as she was 2 weeks over her due date and Lindsey went in to be induced yesterday morning and after a rough night, Fynlee made her way into the world at 10 a.m. this morning. I heard she has lots of hair, chubby cheeks, and looks just like her mommy. I can't wait to see pictures of her as I am sure she is gorgeous! Congrats to you both and our new addition to the family!!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Upcoming New Addition
We couldn't be more happy to announce that we are expecting our first child in mid December (estimated date since we haven't got the official date yet). I haven't gone to the doctor yet as I am waiting for Luke to get home (be home Thursday) so we can experience all these new first things together and he didn't want to miss it for the world. We along with family are so excited as it was very unexpected, but well over due I suppose! :) Thanks for all the support and we can't wait to experience the next chapter of our lives together.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Weekend Travels
Lucas has been gone for about 3 weeks to Yuma, Arizona which is only about a 2 1/2 hour drive from San Diego, so with much dread and excitement, I made the drive after getting off work late yesterday to meet him. It was really good to see him and Duke and Bandit were even more excited to see hm! ;) So we all stayed off base in a really nice hotel, completing the night with an awesome dinner at Logan's Roadhouse! Yum, Yum! (It was my favorite in North Carolina and I haven't seen or ate at once for over a year, so it was WELL The hotel provided us with a great breakfast and we were off to the shopping center for a quick trip. However, as I was in the store shopping, Bandit had managed to jump out of the window of my car, come into the store and find me! It was pretty funny seeing Lucas running after him, but embarrassing at the same time! ;) We just spent the rest of the afternoon at the park with the dogs before departing late afternoon. I'm finally back home and I am so tired, but it was worth the drive just to spend less than 24 hours with my man! :) Now I just have 3 more weeks to go before he gets back....
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Happy Golden Birthday Karlee Bella
Today is our nieces birthday and she is turning 4, which would make it her golden birthday. She is pretty excited about it and I am glad that our present made it to her in time. Where has the time gone seriously? I remember like it was just yesterday (sound like an old women) when I was holding her in my arms and what a proud "mi mi" I just became.

These random visits home make me realize what I have missed out on, but Karlee and I share a special bond like best friends, we pick up right where we left off and I am grateful she has known who I am. Sounds horrible huh? Today is bitter sweet for me, I have no been able to be home for one of Karlee's birthdays, but I am hoping to break that streak one day...soon! ;) So, today I am a proud mi mi and couldn't be more excited for her. She is perfect in every way and I can't wait to see her grow even bigger! Love ya Bella and Happy Birthday!

These random visits home make me realize what I have missed out on, but Karlee and I share a special bond like best friends, we pick up right where we left off and I am grateful she has known who I am. Sounds horrible huh? Today is bitter sweet for me, I have no been able to be home for one of Karlee's birthdays, but I am hoping to break that streak one day...soon! ;) So, today I am a proud mi mi and couldn't be more excited for her. She is perfect in every way and I can't wait to see her grow even bigger! Love ya Bella and Happy Birthday!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
CONGRATS On Your Promotion!

Today was a really big day for Lucas (for us) and his career in the Marine Corps as he got promoted to Staff Sergent today! How exciting! He has worked so hard to get to this point, putting in A LOT of long days, sweat, blood and tears for his job and squadron...and it has all paid off. I could not be more proud of him because I know first hand how much he wanted and worked for it, so Congrats babe. I wish I could have been there for your ceremony, seems like we are missing out on more things, but we will celebrate when we can...hopefully I will be able to come visit soon. Just wanted everyone to know the good news, and no this isn't an April Fools Day joke, hahaha. Lucas, just know we are all proud of you and love you tons!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Feel Better Babe!

I woke up this morning and sent Lucas some love via text message to wish him a good day, and I got one back saying that he was having a horrible day. He had been sick vomiting amongst other things and was at the doctors getting medication before he headed back to bed. Poor thing! I think they are working them too hard! =) So they better send him home...wishful thinking huh? I hope he gets to feeling better soon as I know it is hard being sick let alone being sick away from home by yourself with no one to take care of you. Feel better babe!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Seriously Only?
I am totally feeling this week just dragging me down and just dragging on and on...this was probably the longest and worst week of my life. Work and school have swallowed me whole, not to mention getting up at 3:30 a.m., but it was all to help a friend in need so I don't want to complain too much! ;) I didn't mind, I just haven't recovered yet...I'm so exhausted and to think that it has only been a week since Lucas left...grrr. He is working a lot of hours though too, having 12 hour days and not to mention it has been hot out (at least here, can only imagine there in the desert). I'm missing him more and more and I just want him to be home and not worry about when the next time he has to leave will be...but it's the life right? Not too much longer left of it is how I should perceive it. I'm starting to get excited about that and the end of my school approaching. I am almost completed with a course that I am taking right now which will leave me with 3 more classes left before I graduate! Can you believe it? 3 years have come and gone and the time has finally come to graduate! I will be the first to graduate in my family and it is going to be the BEST feeling in the I am plugging away hard while the hubby is away, but he is constantly on my mind! ;) TGIF, so glad the weekend is here to recuperate and start the week off better for next week. Who knows I might be able to drive to see Lucas next weekend (if he has it off)! I'm crossing my fingers!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Welcome To The Family Brendan Patrick!

Lucas' cousin Kellie and her husband Jeff had their first baby together yesterday. Although she had to have a C-Section, everything went well and everyone is healthy and VERY happy! Brendan Patrick was over 9 lbs and is adorable! Lucas and I can't wait to get home to meet the new addition to the family...Congrats to everyone!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Leavin' Yet Again
Lucas leaves tomorrow for WTI till the beginning of May and I am totally bumming about it! It seems he has been gone more than home which is the reality and every month so far he has been home he has had to leave...March is not exception! We were hoping that he wouldn't have to go, but turned out he had to, but once we get over this little bump in the road we should be good for a while...hopefully! I'm just not ready to let him go for so long and my state of mind just doesn't want me to think this is happening, but I will manage, I always do! =)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Need For Speed Anyone?
Lucas was involved in a high speed chase yesterday during rush hour...well he wasn't the one that had lost his mind and was being chased by 7 cop cars and tons of news helicopters thank god! But a mad man on the run almost side swiped Lucas trying to get away from every cop and CHP in San Diego. After nearly scaring Lucas to death, he called me on his way home and told me what just happened and I turned on the news to see if any stories were on about this incident and sure enough there was a live shot of this mad man on the run. Apparently he had robbed a bank from Northern San Diego (we live in the Southern portion) and he was trying VERY hard to get away, by going down highways the wrong way, making U-turns in the middle of them etc. I am so glad that no one was hurt and especially Lucas as he was put in danger as well. They eventually caught him after it seems he had given up. Makes you really think that anything can happen at any moment!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Weekend Full Of Hiking
We also not only took it as a chance to spend together as a couple, but as a whole family...furry kids and all. We took Bandit and Duke along the 3.5 mile hike (which doesn't seem like much, but the hills were very steep and rocky). I was highly impressed that little Bandit was able to hang with the big dogs not slowing down the whole way. It was a peaceful weekend surrounded by nature and it was nice to get away from a while.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Rough 96 Hours!
We have had a really rough weekend in the Leifermann household as I woke up to the flu on Friday morning which seemed to progress even worse throughout the day at work. Luckily I got off early, Luke did as well and was able to make it home and head straight to bed where I have pretty much stayed till this afternoon. My fever FINALLY went down, the chills and sweats have stopped and my body seems to be in the mood to walk around a little bit after being bed bound for 3 1/2 days. This is just one of the perks of working at a daycare! =) The flu and cold has been going around and it was just a matter of time before I contracted it through wiping snot all day at work. I am so lucky to have a great husband that has been bearing with me and running to and from the store quite often to get me fluids and much needed medication. I have really appreciated it! I'm just crossing my fingers it gets better from this point on and my cough and chest subside quickly! I'm sick of being sick and tired....
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Welcome To The World Macie Lynn

Today is the day Lucas gets back from training in Las Vegas...not sure what time as they had to do some training on the way home. I'm going stir crazy since I have had the week off, and it being rainy and not much to will be a nice change again. =)
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Another "Holiday" Spent Apart
Although yesterday was JUST Valentine's day, it is sad to think that we missed another "holiday" together...seems like we are getting pretty good at spending our days apart! =( He will be home Thursday and have a four day weekend, so we will make up for lost time and spend Valentines Day a little late. Even though it has been a week, I feel the same emotions felt during his deployment...hard to imagine we have to go through one more before he gets out and that is if he does. Spending time apart is getting harder for me as I feel I have given up enough time away from him...don't mean to sound selfish, just bitter maybe?!
Any who, it gives me something to look forward to during the week, Thursday his homecoming. Can't wait for him to be home for a while before heading off for a month in March. I'm just trying to enjoy the time I am allowed. =)
Any who, it gives me something to look forward to during the week, Thursday his homecoming. Can't wait for him to be home for a while before heading off for a month in March. I'm just trying to enjoy the time I am allowed. =)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Gone Again?!
Lucas will be leaving for a week in a half of training on Monday. It is hard thinking about him being gone when it has only been just a short amount of time he has been home. And it only gets worse (well not THAT bad), but he leaves for over a month the first week in March...(sigh)! This is becoming harder and harder than expected...I just keep saying I've done 7 months, whats another month? No biggie right? I don't know...just sucks that he hasn't been home for that long and they are already taking him away from me! =( That's the life in the military though, no complaining, just need to suck it up and deal with the things you can't change.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
We finally made it home after visiting our family in Minnesota. Let's just say the vacation didn't necessarily start off the best as we got in a car accident only 40 miles from home. It was the most scariest thing I have ever been through and I am still having nightmares about it! We ended up in the ditch after rolling the car twice and conditions were not the best out. I am just glad that we all made it out alive and nothing too major happened to us, but the car was another story. Long story short, Lucas got a new that he has been having his eyes on for a while and I am glad that he is happy! We all are!
Our trip was great. It is always nice to come home to family and friends after so long. We really did miss everyone! Our trip seemed so short, like always, but we will be back soon I'm sure. Hopefully they can come out and see us in this beautiful weather and not -7 degree Either way...we loved being home, but are glad to be back "home" in Cali. Lucas already left to go 4 wheeling today (only been home for 10 hours!) as he hasn't been 4-wheeling for so long.
Hope everyone is staying warm back in Mn...just know that we miss you and love you!
Our trip was great. It is always nice to come home to family and friends after so long. We really did miss everyone! Our trip seemed so short, like always, but we will be back soon I'm sure. Hopefully they can come out and see us in this beautiful weather and not -7 degree Either way...we loved being home, but are glad to be back "home" in Cali. Lucas already left to go 4 wheeling today (only been home for 10 hours!) as he hasn't been 4-wheeling for so long.
Hope everyone is staying warm back in Mn...just know that we miss you and love you!
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