Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Made it....FINALLY!

We made it safe and sound to Minnesota late or should I say very early Friday morning. It was the most uncomfortable and exhausting trip we have made...and we have done this a lot! I just keep thinking to myself that we still have to go back! ;) But no need to dwell on that now...for now I am just enjoying relaxing and doing everything I can with my family that I've missed so much. It is crazy how much people or things change in 7 months of not seeing them! Not to mention my niece! Omgosh has she grown up...she is 4 going on 13 it seems and I just have to look at her and wonder where the time went? She was so happy to see me and she is to the point where she finally understands where I am at and why I don't get to see her very often, but it is good that when I come home we pick up right where we left off! I have yet to see my nephew, but I can only imagine how much he has changed too...I can't wait to see him! I have nothing major planned while being home besides the baby shower that will be next week, that will be good to see all the family and play catch up. Lucas is up north right now for a week with his Dad's family having fun at a cabin...wish I could be there, but I'm enjoying this time! Never thought I would miss this place so much! ;)

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