We both woke up today and looked at each other thinking, is today really the day? I think we were both pretty much in denial about what was about to happen and for some reason it seemed like a typical Sunday at the Leifermann household. We just sat around, watched a movie, cooked (well he did ;), but we both knew and even Duke, that today is the last day we had with one another for 6-7 months. We loaded everything up in the car and drove to the base where you could see tons of Marines, sea bags, and loved ones standing there. It makes you feel better knowing that you are not the only one that is having a bad day and having to say good-bye to someone you love. As we sat there talking for 2 hours before I had to leave, it just seemed like a tease. A part of me wanted to just get up and leave to just get it over with, kind of like ripping off a band-aid...I just wanted to get it over with and feel the sting, but on the other hand I wanted to hold onto him as long as I could. 8:00 was the time we had to part and up until that point, we had been strong for each other, no crying or being negative, but it was hard when we walked to the car and said our good-byes and I love yous. I wish that moment would have lasted forever.
The drive home was a blur, I dont remember how I got home, but I kept thinking to myself, stay strong, be brave and happy for him, it is what he wants. I am so proud of Lucas, as many people are, and I know deep down he is ashamed to feel excited about this because he is leaving me and the dogs (hahaha like our kids) behind, but I hope he will have a blast and take away a lot from this, as I know he will. So here we go...embarking on these uncharted waters that we have yet to experience, but I am excited to see where this is going to take us........I miss him already!
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