2 Weeks Today! And Excitement Growing!
Flying Over Alaska, Their First Stop
Finally! Arriving In Japan!
This is where he is at when he is talking to you!
Right outside of the front gates of the base...his new home away from home.
The beaches look amazing!
I am sure that many of you received an email with these pictures that Lucas took yesterday on his first adventure of Japan, but I wanted to post a few if some of you didn't. It really is hard to believe that he is over there, but the pictures are just that constant reminder that this dream is true. It is weird to know that he is a world away from us, different time zone, different day, different culture, etc. I can't help to be jealous when I see pictures of a world and culture I may never experience, but in the same breath, I am so glad it is him and this experience is going to be ever changing for him. The beaches and water look so amazing, like straight out of a travel magazine. The water looks so crystal clear, but I don't know if I would get in the water after seeing the warning signs posted, even if the coast was all clear! His new haircut is funny to see. I remember taking him to base to drop him off and all, or most of his fellow Marines had their heads shaved and they were giving him a hard time about it. I guess Marines shave their heads on their first deployment for some reason, and I asked why he didn't and he just said he didn't want to look dumb! But I am sure it is nice to have it all gone...some days I wish I could shave all mine off! LOL. He looks extremely excited and sounds better everyday I speak with him. So far, 2 weeks are down of this deployment and I am starting to just be anxious for this to be over with. Although these 2 weeks seems like a month, I know that the time will pass quicker and quicker and he will be home before we know it. I am just anxiously awaiting more adventures that he takes and pictures which just get me more excited about the deployment! For now, it's another day almost done and a new one to face tomorrow. I never thought I would be so excited for tomorrow to be over with!
1 comment:
Meggan, I love reading your blog. It keeps me in real time with you and helps me realize all you are feeling and going through. I cry on occasion knowing how alone you are out in California and I know you are a Marine wife, Lucas' wife, a traveler, mover and independent soul....but I miss having your around. Not quite the same talking to you on the phone.
Please forward Lucas' address to me so I can send him some mail. Or an e-mail?
Love to you always, Meg...I admire you so very much! Mom
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