Today there was a major earthquake that hit L.A. and was said to be about a 5.8 but they later down graded it to a 5.4 which is still pretty major. Luckily, it did not cause serious damage anywhere. We felt it down here in San Diego and it was weird because I was at work when it happened. I was sitting in a chair with the kids and I started shaking back and forth and I asked Desarae (the other girl who I work with) if she felt it, but we didn't think much of the situation or even thought it was an earthquake for that matter. I get a phone call from Kim asking me if everything was ok and that is when I knew...(thanks Kim for checking up on me! ;) I have never experienced an earthquake before in the whole 4 years we have lived out here and I am so glad that it was not bad...I don't know what I would have done! So all is good here!
Lucas had duty last night till this morning and he might have to turn around and go to work, which would be hard on him since he probably only got like 4 hours of sleep. It is hard to believe that tomorrow is already Wednesday...time is going by some what faster now. Just glad I have at least 2 weeks under my belt...wish it was 3 months! It will be here before I know it though! I have been really lucky to get back in touch with some friends out here and I am sure that will help to pass the time! Hope all is well...just wanted to tell you all I am safe...no damage! Phew!