Lost In Korea Somewhere...

Taking A Break From A Long Day Of Hiking And Exploring Iwo Jima

Paying Their Respect To Fallen Soldiers

Lucas Leaving Behind His Aircrew Wings

A Piece Of Him Forever There

Many Have Come And Left Something To Show Their Respect

Gorgeous View On The Hill Top

Lucas On The Beach

Lucas just recently went to Iwo Jima, where I am sure it was an incredible feelings to be there, but a somber feeling to know what took place at that very spot. Lucas left behind his aircrew wings, while others left their dog tags or something else to show their respects. It was incredible to see the amount of dog tags that were left behind. Iwo Jima is probably his last trip before coming home since it is just right around the corner. Just 3 weeks from today and Lucas will be back in the states, I couldn't be more excited. The days seem to be getting longer now, just like they did in the beginning, but I am hoping that they will pass as I try to keep busy for a just a little longer. I am so anxious! However, this will be the best Christmas present I have ever gotten, besides my engagement ring of course! 3 weeks away from feeling whole again...
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