Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 5, 2008

3 Months Down, 3 Months Left

I still haven't heard from Lucas via telephone, but he emailed me to tell me that the phones were broken so it will probably be awhile till I hear from him. That is kind of a downer, but I have been able to stay very positive for not hearing his voice for so long. This is truly boot camp all over again! =) I hope they get those phones up and running soon!
Today is the 3 month mark! We are almost there, just reaching the half way hump in this deployment and it seems like it came so fast, but at the same time crawled like a snail. All I know is as time passes, we are that much closer to see him. My friend Laura, who is 9 months pregnant, picked her husband up yesterday from a 7 month deployment. I am so happy that he was able to make it just in time for the birth of their daughter! Such a great present to come home to! I know how many others are not so lucky...
I sure am missing fall back home in Minnesota and even North Carolina. I love it when the trees turn these immaculate colors and the weather is cold, but not too cold. It is just the smell in the air...hopefully I can make it up to the mountains next weekend to see all that.
Miss you and love you all lots!

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