Flying Tiger Families and Friends,
The end of another week also signals the end of our evaluation phase as a Marine Expeditionary Unit. While the final debrief will not go until later in the day on Friday, early signs are that the squadron and 31st
MEU as
a whole did very well. I certainly appreciate the hard work and professional dedication of every Marine and Sailor in this squadron who made this week a safe and successful evolution.
Next up on our schedule is to turn south and sail for the Philippines for our next exercise. By this time next week we should be in the process of establishing ourselves ashore for training with the Philippine Armed Forces. A disclaimer I must insert up front, it always takes a few days to establish
internet connectivity every time we move to a new location; please be patient if your Marine is not able to contact you right away upon arrival.
A question was recently brought up to me with regards to how notifications would go out if members of the squadron were involved in a serious incident or accident. While we never like to think of the worst, it is always better to prepare ourselves up front. If a serious incident or accident were to occur, our procedures would be to restrict
everyone's routine communications until we could notify the families of those involved. After that we would put out word to all of the families to make you aware of the situation. While I'm sure many of you would want to know what is going on right away to help out those involved, my number one priority would be to respect the wishes of the affected family members. Until next week.
Lieutenant Colonel Doug
SchuelerHMM-262 (REIN) Commanding Officer