As I gaze, gaze, and gaze some more at the countdown, 145 days seems like an eternity! I feel like the days keep flying by but not so much on the countdown. I just can't wait for single digits, triple digits just seems like forever...better yet eternity!
I believe now is when the hard part will begin for me. Lucas and I have gone through so many month long trips apart which became easy to do, but we have never had to go much longer than a month. Now that the month marker is here, I have been really impatient! I want to do things that I see other people doing. Just simple things like go to the movies, go out to eat somewhere special, or even someone to snuggle with in bed...all things that get taken for granted. It makes you really appreciate the time you have with the person you love the most.
Tension has been high between us both, we, especially Lucas, misses family a ton. He said that it was cool at first to be in a new place, have a new experience, but he is just ready to be home with everyone and I don't blame him. He is working constantly in really hot conditions and I guess the rules are very strict, Lucas almost got suspended from going out a couple weekends ago. So I am sure he misses his freedom! This is the point where the work begins and the true test starts.
To Lucas,
Things are hard I know, but we can make it through this together. We have been through much worse trialing times and made it out on top. Not everyday is going to be peachy and sunny, but it is only because we miss and love each other. There are no words that I can write out in this blog to possibly express how I feel about you! Stay strong, we all love and miss you dearly. Remember, we are like peanut butter and jelly...we just fit perfect together! LOL...;)
Love you!
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