As a family of the military, we live for each moment of time that we have with one another because we never know when that time will be taken away from us, which seems to be more often than not. Our lives are constantly changing and although it seems we spend more time apart then together, we wouldn't change anything about it.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Love The Visits, Hate The "See Ya Laters"
I was so grateful to have my mom and niece, Karlee come out for the week and it has been a blast having them around. Our week was full of girl time spent at Seaworld, the water park, shopping and so much more! I truly miss having family around to do these types of things, as it has never been apart of my lifestyle since I was 18 and moved out to California. It really makes you miss having that time with your family, even if it is just lounging around and watching movies, but one more year out here and I will be able to have that luxury. It was also a treat to have them attend my doctor appointment today. We got to hear the baby's heart beat and learn the position of the baby, head down, which is good news! Hard to think that the next time I see my family, there will be plus one. :) Here is pictures from this week. Thanks for a great time, it was hard dropping them off at the airport and it won't be long until I see them again!

Saturday, September 26, 2009
So Much
My mom and Karlee flew out this week to spend a little time with us and it has been nice having them around to go and do things with...I miss having that, being so far away and all. We have done a lot of shopping and playing around San Diego and we still have 3 more days left. We are SeaWorld bound today and the rest is up to them. I am really excited that they will be able to make it to my doctors appointment on Monday, which I know my mom is looking forward to. It is hard having everyone so far away and missing out on so much, but I will take what I can get. My mom also helped me put the finishing touches on the nursery and I love it so much! Now I can truly say, only one thing is missing and that is our baby! Hard to believe that I am 69 days away, which seems like eternity, but the time is flying by so terribly fast that I really can't complain. I will post pictures of the updates nursery and our adventures as soon as I can and update everyone on what they say at my appointment on Monday!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
29 Weeks...Woah Momma!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Another Appointment Down
I had my one hour glucose appointment today along with a dr. appointment while I was waiting for that hour. My appointment went great, the dr. said her head is still down and is up really high right now. All my tests came back perfect so there is nothing to worry about! I had to talk to the dr. about my swollen feet and charley horses that I was getting and I am glad I got some tips on how to get rid of all that fun stuff! :) I am now having to go in every 2 weeks up until my last month of my pregnancy and it is starting to really hit me how close I am to the end. It is making me really nervous, anxious and excited, but mostly nervous. It is hard to know what to expect...and I am always so anxious when I am in hospitals (I've always disliked them so much). We will see though. My mom and niece are flying out next week and it will be nice to have them out and be able to go to my next appointment so I can share this experience with them.
Until then, I hope the swollen feet and charley horses subside and I can gain back a little bit more energy.
Until then, I hope the swollen feet and charley horses subside and I can gain back a little bit more energy.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Good Morning Charlie Horse
There is nothing like waking up in the morning to a charlie horse in your calf! Let me tell you, this is the worst pain I have EVER felt in my life. I feel like there is something about to rip right through my leg and it seems to be happening more often than not. I use to get them once in a blue moon, but I have gotten 3 in the past couple months and I can't go through another one! It makes me cry, shake, and feel like vomiting from the pain. I know it is from low levels of potassium and I have been eating bananas and drinking plenty of water, but it seems that if I miss a day, I am guaranteed to get one that night. I can't wait till my next appointment to talk to my doctor about this, as I have been doing some research on this and it seems that it is fairly common, so I might just have to ride out the next 3 months. We will see!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Hello Sleepless Nights!
For the past three weeks, I have gotten the bare minimum amount of sleep. There are so many reasons for this: Too much on my mind, FREQUENT trips to the bathroom, my husband snores so loud it wakes up the neighbors in Tijuana, my dogs barking, the owl that screeches outside our window and most definitely feeling pregnant and uncomfortable! I have been so frustrated with everything and just been trying to take a deep breath, but its been hard. It always does not help that it has been in the 100's here. I am just becoming more impatient and anxious for cool weather to come or better yet December to come! I am enjoying feeling her moving around more often during the day at work and less at night, but there is nothing that is going to compare to holding her in my arms and having her here to be with us. We walk into her room frequently and just can't wait!
I guess all these sleepless nights are just a taste of what is to come, but I can't wait! :)
I guess all these sleepless nights are just a taste of what is to come, but I can't wait! :)
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