As a family of the military, we live for each moment of time that we have with one another because we never know when that time will be taken away from us, which seems to be more often than not. Our lives are constantly changing and although it seems we spend more time apart then together, we wouldn't change anything about it.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Entering The Second Trimester
We are offically out of the scary first trimester where I hear most of the miscarrages happen and I am glad about that! Now we are embarking on a whole new trimester full of even more surprises! I am anxious to find out what we are having although many of you are saying it is going to be a girl. Either way we are fully prepared to deal with the monster in hand and just want to have a healthy baby no matter what the sex. My morning sickness has completely gone away and I am VERY happy about that! The first trimester was very hard on me being sick more days than feeling well, which has made it hard to work out. I have trying to get back on track of staying fit so I don't get to be a whale! :) We have our second appointment coming up so I am anxious to hear what they have to say and know that everything is well. It is the not knowing that has been bothering me. No I am not being a worry wart, I just want to know that "it" is growing and developing the way "it" should. Thats all! :) We love our baby so much already, can only imagine how much we will love it when he or she arrives!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Kind Of Lame, But Oh Well
This is kind of lame, but it just goes to show how excited we are to become parents. We are no longer in the 200's for our countdown, but offically have entered the 100's in terms of how much longer we have. I feel like time is flying by and before I know it, I will be changing diapers, getting so sleep and getting spit up all over me...ohh the joys of being a mother! :) But hey, I can't wait! Just a little bit of excitement I wanted to share!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
First Appointment Down
Lucas and I went to our first appointment today! I was so nervous with all they did to me (no details, trust), but most of you are fully aware of what was done. BUT, I made it out alive and we got to see our little peanut. It is amazing to see the hands, feet, heart beating, head, etc. Even though it should have hit me at THAT point, it still hasn't, that is person is growing inside of me. Once I start showing it will feel more real I suppose. So I am further then I thought, 11 weeks today and the expected due date is December 9th! That's all I know for now, another appointment is scheduled for 4 weeks from today so we should know more then!
Monday, May 18, 2009
1 Down, 2 To Go
I have officially completed my Sociology class today and it feels so good to get done with each class. Each class I take is 5 weeks long, so I have 2 more classes left which are both required math classes! EEeeeecck! I am dreading these classes as I haven't done Math since high school so I am very nervous! I am sure I will do fine, I have survived so many horrible classes, what is 2 more? After I complete these, I am done the road of college graduation and will be the first to graduate in my family! I am beyond ready and stoked for this...wish me luck!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Getting Our Hands Dirty
Lucas and I have been plugging away at our yard that we have neglected for a couple weeks now and decided to get an early start on it since it was going to be super hot today. I started at 7:30, while it took Lucas a little longer to get motivated, lol, but we just finished around noon. I love the smell of fresh cut grass and the look of fresh flowers looks so good, I'm impressed and my father would be proud! (He is the "lawn man") Lucas is off jet skiing, taking advantage of the gorgeous weather and I am about to soak up some rays outside so I will no longer be a ghost! This weekend has been great, but it went by way too fast!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Birthday Week, But A Rough One!
It is hard to believe that I am already 24...where has the time gone? I know, you are probably thinking, ONLY? But I feel like the last couple years have come and gone in a blink of an eye and I really can't believe it, makes you appreciate every moment you can take in. It has been a really long week for both Lucas and I and I am just glad it is over. We didn't do anything special for my birthday, Lucas just got me amazing flowers! Loved them.
My cousin Zachary made it home today after being almost gone for 8 months on a tour in Iraq. He will only be home for a little bit before heading back till September, total bummer. Glad he was able to make it home in time for his wives, Danielle's, graduation for law school. So congrats to both of them! That feeling is the best and you never forget it! :)
Baby update: I have more "evening" sickness then ever, but I am holding up. Just extremely tired and finding it hard to keep to my workouts...its actually been 2 weeks. Lucas isn't helping me to stay motivated very much because half the time I try and drag him for a run and he wiggles OUR way out of it! :) Smooth guy. However, we have our first doctors appointment on Wednesday in the morning and I am very anxious and excited! Don't know what to expect, but it will be nice to have Lucas by my side through it all. I will post any information we receive at the doctors!
My cousin Zachary made it home today after being almost gone for 8 months on a tour in Iraq. He will only be home for a little bit before heading back till September, total bummer. Glad he was able to make it home in time for his wives, Danielle's, graduation for law school. So congrats to both of them! That feeling is the best and you never forget it! :)
Baby update: I have more "evening" sickness then ever, but I am holding up. Just extremely tired and finding it hard to keep to my workouts...its actually been 2 weeks. Lucas isn't helping me to stay motivated very much because half the time I try and drag him for a run and he wiggles OUR way out of it! :) Smooth guy. However, we have our first doctors appointment on Wednesday in the morning and I am very anxious and excited! Don't know what to expect, but it will be nice to have Lucas by my side through it all. I will post any information we receive at the doctors!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Happy mothers day to my very special mom and mother in law! And to all my family and friends who are hard working mothers and deserve this day of recognition! I wish I could be home to celebrate this special day with my mom, but sending her flowers I think made up for that! ;)
Lucas and I had a great morning making brunch together. Just when I thought I couldn't love him more he sneaked a card into my lap top as he knew I would be trying to complete some homework today, so it was a nice little surprise to get it unexpectedly. Love him for that!
We had our photo shoot yesterday with Teale Photography and it was so much fun! I was so nervous for some reason, but it turned out to not be as bad as I thought...awkward at first, but we warmed up to the idea of people I should get them back in 2-3 weeks and I will make sure to send them out to everyone!
Lucas and I had a great morning making brunch together. Just when I thought I couldn't love him more he sneaked a card into my lap top as he knew I would be trying to complete some homework today, so it was a nice little surprise to get it unexpectedly. Love him for that!
We had our photo shoot yesterday with Teale Photography and it was so much fun! I was so nervous for some reason, but it turned out to not be as bad as I thought...awkward at first, but we warmed up to the idea of people I should get them back in 2-3 weeks and I will make sure to send them out to everyone!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Hospitals Are No Fun

Karlee has had a rough 4 days! The poor little girl has been a trooper and a brave one so I hear. My sister had been in and out of the ER with her due to a UTI and fever and stomach cramping, and the doctor kept sending her home and telling her to come back if the symptoms worsen. So, her fever never broke and Karlee was admitted to the hospital yesterday evening so they could do some tests and x-rays. They determined she had a severe bladder infection and had to put an IV in her due to her dehydration. I was told she was quite the brave little girl when they put the IV in her arm, so crying or anything! That a girl! ;) Despite the IV and medication helping her, she is having to spend another night in the hospital tonight, but will be able to go home tomorrow hopefully! I got to speak with her tonight and she sounds 100 percent better, so I hope things only progress positively. The hospital is no place for a four year old! Get well baby girl!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
8 Weeks And Feeling Great!
I know I am going to get yelled at even more than I already have from everyone I know, but I have yet to go to the doctor, but all for a good reason I swear! :) Lucas just switched over my insurance yesterday so I can officially say that I will not be seeing a military doctor (which I have heard and witnessed personally horrible things). I finally picked a doctor today and will be scheduling an appointment asap so everyone can get off my back, and we can make sure everything is ok. I am so excited, as is Lucas.
So I am around 8 weeks and I am feeling great. I got through a huge rough patch that I thought would never pass, a lot of naps and trips to the bathroom due to morning, evening and night sickness! Knock on wood, but I haven't had any sickness since Lucas has been home, just some minor tummy aches. So life is good right now! I will post an new information we get with my first appointment!
So I am around 8 weeks and I am feeling great. I got through a huge rough patch that I thought would never pass, a lot of naps and trips to the bathroom due to morning, evening and night sickness! Knock on wood, but I haven't had any sickness since Lucas has been home, just some minor tummy aches. So life is good right now! I will post an new information we get with my first appointment!
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