It is hard to believe that Sydnee is yet another month older today and before we know it she will be 1 and then off to preschool! :) I love this age that she is at, even though she is testing me getting into everything, but she listens really good. She JUST started saying "dada" after Luke and I trying to get her to say it for months now! She just decided one day she was going to and it threw me off, now it is all she wants to, but I don't mind at all.
This past month has been a hard one, but my last hard one alone. Lucas will be back from being gone for 6 weeks on training in Arizona. I never thought I could do any more time apart, but we did and now we don't have to worry about it any longer. Lucas got an early out from the military so we will be leaving California soon than we thought and heading back to Minnesota. We are excited just to spend the holidays with our families and not have to worry about when we have to leave...and it will be the first New Years we have spent together in 4 years! Life is going to be an adjustment, but one that we will gladly get use to! We are stoked on what is to come for us...hopefully a job in Texas or Colorado???!! ;) Cross your fingers for us!
A Moment In Time
As a family of the military, we live for each moment of time that we have with one another because we never know when that time will be taken away from us, which seems to be more often than not. Our lives are constantly changing and although it seems we spend more time apart then together, we wouldn't change anything about it.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Happy Halloween (a little late)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Back On Our Own Again...
Nana has officially left town about 5 days now and the apartment doesn't seem the same. I was getting use to being "alone" (since we had for 3 weeks) and thought how nice it was going to be to have someone around! And now I am thinking how am I going to be "alone" again for another 2 weeks? I am sure it will go by fast, it just doesn't seem like that right's hard being in a big city, with no friends or family to fall back on...but we manage the best we can. I am going to be hitting myself when November comes because although it will bring our daddy home, it brings on the most stress we have gone through yet. We have the stress of starting a "real life" together which means no deployments, no debts, not training, no military! This is an exciting, but scary time in our lives together because this is all we have EVER known since being together the last 8 years. It will be the next chapter in our life together and hopefully for once it will be less complicated, but more fulfilling and exciting. We are looking forward to it...just not the move back to Minnesota in the dead cold! Eeeekk! :)
I shouldn't say my time is completely boring and I don't have a lot to do. Between school and Sydnee, I barely find time to give my brain a rest and then to add working out and my new business Scentsy to it, it seems like a overwhelming now, but I think it will be good for not only me, but us. It will get me ready to put my degree to use! :)
Lots of exciting things coming our way and as long as we have each other to hold on to, we will get through this! :)
I shouldn't say my time is completely boring and I don't have a lot to do. Between school and Sydnee, I barely find time to give my brain a rest and then to add working out and my new business Scentsy to it, it seems like a overwhelming now, but I think it will be good for not only me, but us. It will get me ready to put my degree to use! :)
Lots of exciting things coming our way and as long as we have each other to hold on to, we will get through this! :)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Nana Is In Town! :)
We were extremely excited to go pick up Nana from the airport! :)

She is in town for 10 days and it is great having someone to around since Lucas is gone for training for another 3 weeks. (Not to mention it is awesome having help!) It didn't take long for Sydnee to warm back up to her Nana from not seeing her for 2 whole months and now they are both attached to the hip. She absolutely loves her! We have enjoyed running around San Diego, going shopping here and there, going for walks, and to the pumpkin patch so far.

Before moving back out to San Diego, it was Nana "duty" to give Sydnee a bath as my mom enjoyed doing that every night. Sydnee loves her tubby time and she has really enjoyed Nana giving her her baths again. Nana lets her get away with a little more splishing and splashing than mommy, but that is ok! :) After all, that is what Nana's are for! Hehehe...

She even got her first "boo-boo" while Nana was her, she split her lip open pretty deep and was very upset about it...staring down her busy zoo box that was the culprit! :) She is a trooper though and decided to show it off...

We are enjoying our time with company and will hate to see her leave on Sunday, but it won't be long before we are in MN in December for a while.
She is in town for 10 days and it is great having someone to around since Lucas is gone for training for another 3 weeks. (Not to mention it is awesome having help!) It didn't take long for Sydnee to warm back up to her Nana from not seeing her for 2 whole months and now they are both attached to the hip. She absolutely loves her! We have enjoyed running around San Diego, going shopping here and there, going for walks, and to the pumpkin patch so far.
Before moving back out to San Diego, it was Nana "duty" to give Sydnee a bath as my mom enjoyed doing that every night. Sydnee loves her tubby time and she has really enjoyed Nana giving her her baths again. Nana lets her get away with a little more splishing and splashing than mommy, but that is ok! :) After all, that is what Nana's are for! Hehehe...
She even got her first "boo-boo" while Nana was her, she split her lip open pretty deep and was very upset about it...staring down her busy zoo box that was the culprit! :) She is a trooper though and decided to show it off...
We are enjoying our time with company and will hate to see her leave on Sunday, but it won't be long before we are in MN in December for a while.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Bumps, Scraps, and Bruises
Sydnee is officially on the move and boy is she determined! She has always had those accidents, but now it is really happening. I thought I would be one of those moms that wants to wrap their baby in bubble wrap to protect them from everything in sight, but I have taken the back seat of this one. I love to just sit back, watch her learn how to do this or that, and she learns very fast. I hate that she gets so frustrated when she wants to do something, but it is good that she doesn't give up (probably got that good trait from her mommy and daddy).
And the bumps, bruises, and scraps keep coming. We went to the park yesterday to get out of the house for a while. She was doing so good playing in the sand, grass, and walking across the pathway which is cement. She was walking across the cement and was so excited to reach me and just fell. He knee drug on the cement and scraped it all up. I have never seen so much blood for such a little scrap! She was SO upset and we had to leave :( and bath time was not fun either. Poor baby bear, but she is back to the old Sydnee today! :) This is just a taste of what is to come I'm sure, but I will be there with a band-aid, kisses, and hugs for her!

And the bumps, bruises, and scraps keep coming. We went to the park yesterday to get out of the house for a while. She was doing so good playing in the sand, grass, and walking across the pathway which is cement. She was walking across the cement and was so excited to reach me and just fell. He knee drug on the cement and scraped it all up. I have never seen so much blood for such a little scrap! She was SO upset and we had to leave :( and bath time was not fun either. Poor baby bear, but she is back to the old Sydnee today! :) This is just a taste of what is to come I'm sure, but I will be there with a band-aid, kisses, and hugs for her!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Next Gerber Baby?
I entered Sydnee into the next gerber baby contest as I got the link and suggestion from a friend. It took 3 weeks to start voting so the day has finally came! You are able to vote for her once a day for the next month! If she wins she will be able to win a $25,000 scholarship which will help to secure her for her education in the future. Please help for her to win! Of course she will always be my lil gerber baby despite what this websites/voting says. :) I love her and trust me I am not one of those pagent moms or stage moms so this will not be a on going thing for her! Hehehe, I am hoping for a soccer/hockey/softball star! :) Thanks again for helping! Love and miss you all!
Here is the link:
Click on the vote, then search, type in Sydnee and San Diego...and there she is! :)
Here is the link:
Click on the vote, then search, type in Sydnee and San Diego...and there she is! :)
Friday, October 1, 2010
Here and there, she's everywhere!
Sydnee is officially in the toddler stages, as she is on the move and there is no stopping her. She thinks she is pretty sly now that she is walking from object to object, along the wall, and even just walking around on her own. I even caught her today almost trying to run as the dogs were chasing her and she was screaming and walking as fast as she good to get away...super hilarious. I found that walking has to be on her terms though because when she feels like just being held, she will through a tempertantrum, yes, something that is also new in the Leifermann household. She is getting pretty good at this and being spoiled rotton. Many of the tantrums have been over her sippy cup and me refusing to do it for her (as I am trying to get her to do it herself and learn that she needs to tip it back), something she has been very spoiled with. :) I'll admit it!
Anyways, life will never be the same again, but that is a good thing! I enjoy being kept on my toes and watching her grow. Its sad, but exciting all in the breath. I look forward to the next stages of her growth and not to mention turning the BIG 1 in two months! Yikes! :) Party time! :)
Anyways, life will never be the same again, but that is a good thing! I enjoy being kept on my toes and watching her grow. Its sad, but exciting all in the breath. I look forward to the next stages of her growth and not to mention turning the BIG 1 in two months! Yikes! :) Party time! :)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Walking Oh My!
Sydnee has been trying to walk for a while now and it wasn't until yesterday and I realized this is going to happen pretty much any day now. She surprised me right away in the morning by crawling on all fours and all of a sudden in the middle of the room she stood up! She thought she was pretty slick and it was cute how she did it and looked at me with a HUGE smile on her face. I could tell that not only was it a proud "mommy" moment, but it was a proud moment for her as well. Let's just say she has been doing it ever since, and now brave enough to just let go and walk by herself. This is insane! Wish Lucas was here yet ago to watch this amazing thing!
We also headed to the park today where she had a blast. She had her first real "boo boo" as she face planted it on the pavement and scrapped up her chin and mouth and then did it again the sand...she got a mouth full...literally! :( She is a tough cookie though and had a moment and was back at it again. That's my girl! :) She is so fearless and ambitious it scares me!
Here is a little taste of what life is like now with an almost toddler girl on my hands!
We also headed to the park today where she had a blast. She had her first real "boo boo" as she face planted it on the pavement and scrapped up her chin and mouth and then did it again the sand...she got a mouth full...literally! :( She is a tough cookie though and had a moment and was back at it again. That's my girl! :) She is so fearless and ambitious it scares me!
Here is a little taste of what life is like now with an almost toddler girl on my hands!
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